Day: April 20, 2020

The passage of time

You can’t make more time, and in fact you don’t even know how much time you have other than the present moment. All you can do or any of can do is make the most of the time we have right now. We are forever putting shit off for tomorrow, with a myriad of excuses. I’m too tired or I need to finish that stupid Tiger King series on Netflix. While the concept of time is finite for all of us, we still can’t seem to grasp the value, or we grasp the value so much that we think we must accomplish a massive to do list everyday of our life, leaving us just exhausted by the end of the day. When we invest our precious time in trivial pursuits that exist on our to do list we are in effect wasting time.

You say sure Mr. Joseph, but I have bills to pay, children to feed, and a fucking to do list that just scares the shit out of me, as I then spend my precious time wondering how I will get all this shit done. Well you won’t and you shouldn’t. As I’m writing this I have noticed for weeks that my side and back yard looks like a jungle, weeds everywhere, but that tropical jungle is way down the list of things that are important or that I like to do. You must abandon the idea that you can get all this shit done by yourself. If you are like me this is a very difficult proposition, as I am very independent and normally don’t want help from anyone, and on top of that I am cheap as hell.

Yes, I am an idiot!

You probably have three or four things you must do today, but make sure a couple of those things are also things you like to do. Prioritize those 3 or 4 things, which may allow some time for emergencies, and when you finish those things look at what is left on that pile of to do’s and pick away at it. Remember those three or four things are the things that both give you enjoyment and also move your life forward. Stop obsessing about the whole list, and if you have something like a jungle to contend with in your yard, consider letting it grow, or find someone else to deal with it.



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