Buddhist Websites

While I certainly appreciate you spending time on this website, there is a lot of Buddhist information that exists on the internet. The purpose of this page is to share some of the websites I have found and my opinion of them. As I discover new websites I will add them to this page. Happy Reading!

Tricycle – Also called Tricycle The Buddhist Review is a pretty good website, with lots of content. They even have a magazine and online courses, of course you will have to pay for these. While I like this website and newsletter that you can subscribe to, it is a commercial endeavor. Overall thumbs up!

Access to Insight – Access to Insight is dedicated to Theravada Buddhism. You will find a great overview of Theravada Buddhism and suttas from the Pali Canon. There is also an Authors section that contains lots of really cool information about authors and contributors to various Buddhist texts. This seemly simple website has a ton of content under the covers and lots of free information. Overall this site is awesome!

BuddhaNet – Is an education and resource website on Buddhism. This site has a really nice online magazine that is free with lots of articles published on various Buddhism topics. There is also a really cool Buddhist eLibrary where you can download PDF’s, audio files, images, and videos. Overall very cool!

Tiny Buddha – I really like Tiny Buddha, there is a lot of good information on this site include a Blog, Forums, Quotes, and you can even submit your own blog post that will be shown on their site if approved. They even have a store with books and tee shirts. The books are written by Lori Deschene who is the founder of Tiny Buddha. I haven’t read any of her books yet, but there appears to be some really good stuff here. While there is obviously a commercial intent to this site, it does contain a lot of useful information: Overall it is worth checking out.

DharmaSun – This website is dedicated to Tibetan Buddhism teachings and resources. “This website emerged from the efforts of the Tibetan Buddhist teacher, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche. Rinpoche’s wish is to make the Buddha’s teachings available to everyone. The teachings found here offer advice on how to live a meaningful life of compassionate wisdom in accordance with the Buddha’s view.” To access some of the information will require you to create an account, but there are some cool videos, which are talks by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and other Buddhist teacher. Overall thumbs up!